My ideal house.

5 min readJun 2, 2019


At one of our English classes we should represent our dream houses and now I want to tell you what we did with my groupmates.

In this theme there are some topics which we would like to talk about. These topics are:
Location and exterior

Building type and materials

The plan of the house (floors, basement, attic etc)

The impression the house makes and emotions which it gives to you

We had a big discussion and finally found our dream house. Have anyone ever seen the Twilight movie? We hope you have, because we actually found out that the house of the Cullen’s is our dream house.

Location and exterior:

The house is located outside the city in a wooded area. If you want to visit it, you should go through the forest along the highway. But soon it will pass into a narrow forest road that winds among ferns and other perennial trees and plants. The road makes many bends.
As soon as you drive up to the house, you can hear the murmur of the river not far away. it is easily visible from the Windows of the house.
The house is located on a forest glade at the top of the hill. Around it grow ancient cedars and other ancient trees with beautiful spreading crowns. It is surrounded by a beautiful Park with well-kept flower beds and alleys. Age-old pine trees, located on the territory, fill the air with a delicate aroma of pine needles. On different sides of the building there are outdoor areas and courtyards, the purpose of which is to enable all family members to be outdoors at any time of the year.

Building type and materials:

It’s the three-story house which is combines elements of metal, wood and concrete. Its South wall being made of a transparent material, like glass. Natural wood keeps the house warm and a lot of light enters the house through the observation windows. The building has a square shape and all its floors, tiers and glass walls look harmoniously as a whole.
Large and spacious cottage impresses with beauty and splendor. It is like a true natural structure, devoid of striking in the eye, ostentatious luxury and pomposity. Huge panoramic Windows and minimalism in the interior, allow the surrounding nature to influence the “weather in the house” in the literal sense. Forming a special atmosphere during rain, snow, bright Sunny day or sultry afternoon.
The style of a canadian cottage or Alpine Chalet is a popular trend in the construction industry. Wooden house is not just an environmentally friendly and useful structure. Life in the bosom of nature, away from the bustle of the city and noisy highways, creates a certain spiritual sense of harmony, peace and tranquility. That will certainly have a beneficial effect on the General condition of the body and mood.

The plan of the house

Of course, our house mustn’t be just perfect outside but also perfect inside. We planned our interior very carefully as we don’t want our house to be full of furniture. We came up with thoughts and decided to make it full of air and space. Minimalism is the main style of our building.
There are three floors in our room. On the first floor there is a short hall which leads into a spacious living room with a few couches and armchairs for all the guests and family members. We decided not to occupy space with many doors so the living room accidentally goes into a modern kitchen. Everything in here shines with clearness. Electric cooker, hot and cold water and all the other modern technologies must be there. We are children of a new era, aren’t we? Also there is a small bathroom which a glass door from the kitchen leads to.
On the second floor there are three bedrooms, a study and a library. Every bedroom has its own bathroom which the doors in them lead to. Bedrooms are also in minimalism style, fun of space and air. In the study there are mostly wooden panels on the walls, a few shelves, a working desk and an armchair for relax. The library is packed with many books from all over the world. We are good collectors, as you can see. There are also a few sofas and armchairs — places to relax, of course.
On the third floor there are two bedrooms, one more bathroom and a huge balcony, maybe even a terrace. Balcony is needed to organise some family gatherings and so on.
As you can see, a lot of rooms but also a lot of space. Our house is for a big family of different interests.

The impression the house makes and emotions which it gives to you

And one more important thing is which impression the house makes. We are strongly sure that the house makes an impression of calm power. How can it be understand? The impression the house makes must say to the visitors: «We know our power but we don’t show it if you won’t provoke us.» It’s a house of independent but friendly people. The location shows us, for example, that the owners don’t like city noise and unexpected guests. The way the house blends in the forest easily shows us how close the owners are to nature and how must they do share her power and calmness. We don’t want our house to give an impression of arrogance and richness but the impression of home.
Personally when we chose this house as our perfect one we were sure that it was a right choice. We found out that everyone of us feels an emotional contact with this house. For Lena this house is perfect because it can allow her to be alone as well as to be in company. For Kolya it’s perfect as there is much space to organise parties. For Lera it’s the perfect place to be with nature as she’s a big fan of it. And personally for me it’s the perfect place because I feel really calm in here. Both location and interior make me feel comfortable and can satisfy all my needs. Mustn’t the real home give us these kind of emotions?





Student of the LUNN and a funny deer🦌

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